Sunday, September 26, 2010

September Happenings

I blink and September is almost over. What happened to this month??? It blew by for me! We have settled in nicely to our fall/school routine. MOPS has started up again, and I am so thankful for this wonderful organization and the friends I have made. We had our first outing last week- Chuck-e-cheese! That was a first for Elise and me. I can definitely see that Chuck-e-cheese has its place in this world. Elise had a wonderful time running around and playing with her friends.
Elise and Marissa
Elise and Audrey, doing their favorite thing; climbing UP the slide!

Elise is so hit or miss with eating. Some weeks she eats everything in sight. Others, I'm lucky if I can get her to eat a cracker and a piece of cheese. And the things she likes are all over the place as well. She won't touch a sweet mango, but would eat an entire can of black olives if I let her. Tomato sauce makes her gag, but she'll eat anything if dipped in hummus (or hummey as she calls it.)

Finally, Saturday we had a Mom's Day OUT! Ashley, Maggie, Erin, and I all went to see Jersey Boys. It was SO great and was such a fun afternoon :)

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